• Journal of Internet Computing and Services
    ISSN 2287 - 1136 (Online) / ISSN 1598 - 0170 (Print)

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  1. 211. Design and Implementation of the Sinkhole Traceback Protocol against DDoS attacks
    Hyung-Woo Lee, Tae-Su Kim, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 85-98, Apr. 2010
    Keywords: Sinkhole Router, IP Traceback, Network Security, DDoS attack
  2. 212. Extracting the Point of Impact from Simulated Shooting Target based on Image Processing
  3. 213. Agent-based Automatic Camera Placement for Video Surveillance Systems
  4. 214. Reaction Test Platform and Application by Auditory and Visual Stimulus for Language Learning Ability Improvement
  5. 215. Web Service Matching Algorithm using Cluster and Ontology Information
    Yong-Ju Lee, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 59-70, Feb. 2010
    Keywords: Web Service, matching algorithm, keyword search, syntactic analysis, cluster, Ontology
  6. 216. Accuracy evaluation of ZigBee's indoor localization algorithm
  7. 217. A Study of Selective Encryption for Images using Tree Structures
    Myung-Mook Han, Geum-Sil Kim, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 219-228, Dec. 2009
    Keywords: Quad tree, Zero tree, Selective encryption, Wavelet image compression
  8. 218. A Test Framework for Dynamically Supporting the Simulation Works of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems
  9. 219. Design and Performance Analysis of Signature-Based Hybrid Spill-Tree for Indexing High Dimensional Vector Data
  10. 220. Design and Implementation of Visual/Control Communication Protocol for Home Automated Robot Interaction and Control